Youth Winter Friendship Camp
Under the slogan “Our Winter is Excellence and Creativity”


An investment of youth’s time to acquire skills and develop capabilities:

The Yemeni Friendship and Cooperation Association announces the establishment of
Youth Winter Friendship Camp
In the city of Istanbul – Türkiye.
For the period from: 01/30/2023 AD
To: 01/02/2023 AD

Registration begins on: 01/16/2023 AD
Registration ends on: 01/22/2023 AD

For those wishing to participate, register in the link below, according to the following conditions:

1- The age of the participant should not be less than 15 years and not more than 18 years.
2- Pay the subscription fee in advance.
3- Commitment to the camp program.
4- Commitment to virtuous morals and noble values ​​in dealing with colleagues.

? Camp registration link

Camp program:
Training courses.
Discover talents.
Interesting contests.
Lectures and cultural programmes.
Sports and recreational activities.

Camp fees: (1,500 lira).