Al-Huda Foundation for Development in Chad Visits Yemeni Friendship and Cooperation Association

March 14, 2020

Al Huda Foundation for Development in Chad visits the Yemeni Friendship and Cooperation Association-Turkey.

On Tuesday evening, Dr. Abd Al-Raqeeb Abbad received Dr.  Mohammed Saleh Suleiman, Executive Secretary of Al-Huda Foundation for Development in Chad, at the Association’s office in Istanbul.

During the visit, Dr.  Mohammed Saleh Suleiman gave a brief speech on behalf of Al-Huda Foundation for Development. He talked about its activities and programs provided for the brotherly Chadian people.

In the meeting, they discussed ways of cooperation and partnership between the two sides. They agreed on signing a cooperation and partnership agreement in the future.

It is worth noting that Dr. Ahmed Al-Aqabi, Director of the Yemeni Friendship and Cooperation Association, attended the meeting.