The Yemeni Friendship and Cooperation Association – Türkiye held this evening, Friday, the second Friendship Forum. In a Ramadan evening revived by d. Essam Al-Bashir, the well-known Islamic thinker and preacher.

The forum was attended by a number of dignitaries, social and official personalities, doctors and legal personalities including merchants and notables from Yemenis, Turks and other Arab countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Abdul Raqib Abbad, the president of the association, welcomed the attendees, and thanked them for accepting the invitation, reviewing the most important achievements of the association during the previous stage.

The evening’s paragraphs varied from a speech by Dr. Essam Al-Bashir, and chanting songs by singer Suleiman Al-Iraqi.

The evening concluded with an Iftar banquet, followed by a discussion session with the guest of the evening, punctuated by many jokes and poems with which the doctor was known for his humor. And also chanting links for the brilliant singer Suleiman Al-Iraqi. The evening ended with Tarawih prayer at the association’s headquarters.