Friendship Endowment Project
Project Idea:
The project is an endowment financial portfolio, the resources of which are invested in profitable and safe investment projects, according to the economic feasibility studies of the projects and the risks associated with them, under the supervision of a group of specialized professional cadres, so that the proceeds of the portfolio will be returned to the benefit of the programs, activities and projects of the Humanitarian and Development Association, to be thus a sustainable endowment investment asset, And ongoing charity for the endowers whose light, reward and blessing will not cease until God inherits the earth and those on it. Among the most prominent outputs of the investment portfolio:
1. The association’s need to expand the circle of beneficiaries from its programs and activities in light of the continuous increase of those in need of assistance among the displaced and immigrants from Yemen due to the war.
2. The association’s dependence on the donations of supporters and donors, in an absolute manner that leads, in the event that they stop providing support, to the association’s inability to continue providing its services to the beneficiaries.
3. Low resources lead to the cessation of helping most students, and this ultimately leads to the inability and cessation of students to complete their education.
4. The association’s planning process for future projects falters because it relies heavily on donations, which are unstable resources that are subject to decrease, increase or stop.
5. The repeated difficulties in providing the association’s budget due to the high operational costs.
General Objective:
Enabling the association to achieve financial sustainability and directing it towards achieving its vision, goals and programs and expanding the base of beneficiaries from its programs and activities.
Detailed Objectives:
1. Providing funding and financial stability for the educational association’s projects.
2. Increasing the number of students benefiting from the association’s projects and services.
3. Securing the rent of the association’s headquarters and its operating expenses.
4. Providing an endowment opportunity for those who wish to continue their reward during their lifetime and after their death.
Target groups
Execution place
The target Number