
Student housing project

Student housing project Project Idea: The idea of the project is to provide a safe and supportive housing environment for Yemeni students studying in Turkish universities in Istanbul, who suffer from difficult financial conditions that resulted in their failure to pay housing and subsistence fees, by providing housing and nutrition for the most needy students…

Educational sponsorship program project for school students

Educational sponsorship program project for school students Project Idea: A comprehensive educational guarantee for school students, providing them with integrated care throughout the academic year in several educational and skill fields, through a package of activities and interactive programs designed according to a professional methodology and creative educational methods to meet the educational needs of…

Partial Scholarship Project

Partial Scholarship Project Project Idea: The idea of the project is to provide a partial scholarship to Yemeni students most in need, with a monthly amount paid to contribute to covering tuition and living expenses, allowing the student to pursue his achievement and increase his academic level, so that he can then benefit himself, his…

Comprehensive educational scholarship project for outstanding students

Comprehensive educational scholarship project for outstanding students Project Idea: Providing integrated care for outstanding and talented Yemeni students studying in Turkish universities, through which students receive a package of services, including the provision of a monthly financial grant, housing and nutrition, training, and various activities and programs, in an attractive and stimulating educational environment that…

Student forums project for Yemeni students

Student forums project for Yemeni students Project Idea: It is known that the scholarship of Yemeni students to Turkey increases year after year, and the number of Yemeni students in Turkey has exceeded 3,200 students distributed over 63 governorates. This transition from the conservative Yemeni environment to an open environment in which customs, traditions and…

Youth summer camp project

Youth summer camp project Project Idea: The camp aims to strengthen the Yemeni national identity and consolidate the authentic Islamic values, through a moderate approach and supervisors with experience and knowledge, for a period of two weeks during the summer, in one of the student residences or tourist resorts.   Why youth summer camp? •…

Friendship Forums Project

Friendship Forums Project Project Idea: The idea of “Friendship Forums for Culture and Development” was launched to create a cultural and social environment that incubates the Yemeni community in Turkey. It works to implement community initiatives to preserve the cultural, intellectual and social identity of Yemeni youth, to establish training programs and targeted activities, and…

Youth Friendship Forum

Youth Friendship Forum Project Idea: The Yemeni society faces many problems and challenges due to the war and its negative repercussions, and the destruction and sabotage that included all fields, institutions and bodies of Yemeni society, which face great challenges to rehabilitate them and enable them to keep pace with development and the accompanying changes….

Rawahel Training Forum

Rawahel Training Forum Project Idea: The idea of the program came from the association’s belief in the importance of contributing to the rehabilitation of students and the formation of a solid base of competencies, national leaders and young community cadres who are able to assume tasks and responsibilities with high efficiency, and prepare them to…